Boom Chick-A-Wow-It’s-A-Giveaway

The weather is warm, I’ve worn my flip-flops all week, I’m two loads away from being caught up with all the laundry, and Chick-fil-A just put peach milkshakes back on the menu.

Can I get a “Hallelujah”?

I’m headed to The Chick to buy the ceremonial first shake of the season and while I’m there, I’m picking up THREE $5 gift cards to give away so you can have one of your own and celebrate with me.

Contest Rules:

To be entered to win, just leave me a comment and tell me what makes YOU feel skippy.

One comment per person, please.

Contest closes 11:30 PM PT Sunday, April 11th.

Three winners will be selected using the random integer generator and they will be announced on Monday, April 12th.

Have a nice day.

P.S. Obligatory FCC mumbo-jumbo:  Though Chick-fil-A and I do not have a financial relationship, I would describe it as torrid love affair on my part.  They don’t know that I’m doing this and did not provide the prizes.

48 responses to “Boom Chick-A-Wow-It’s-A-Giveaway

  1. What makes me feel skippy? Preparing a healthy meal for supper last night that everyone liked!!
    Oh, and adding bagpipes to Beatles songs.

  2. My skippy feelings come with thinking about my trip to New Orleans with Jack a week from today- without the kids. Can’t wait. Makes me skippy.

    Also- I liked the “one comment per person” warning. I’ll try to comply. 😉

  3. Hangin’ in the hammock with the kiddos on a nice spring day.
    Shopping for a few hours this morning without the kids! (btw, read my email about that!)
    Getting another house sold this week – woohooo!

  4. love me some chik fil a! this time of year seeing things come into bloom. it’s much later here in denver than it was when i lived in virginia. peonies are june and honey i can’t wait. yippy skippy!

  5. My girls and I would be happy to slurp a little of their delicious ice cream – that definitely makes them feel skippy. : ) Me, lately? Time with just my guy which has been exceptionally rare and hard to come by!

  6. You know this is the best prize ever. I love me some Chick-fil-a 🙂

  7. It’s Friday! ‘nough said.

  8. My skippy feeling comes from my up-coming vacation! Coconut syrup on pancakes, sushi and plenty of gorgeous beach and scenery! (Shh! It’s a secret where I want to go.) Just thinking about the last time I was there makes me step lighter and smile more.

  9. Rigging random number generators to choose post #9.

  10. Most recently (today) my skippy feeling is staying up LATE with the husband and sleeping in til 9a.m. while the kids are old enough (hallelujah) to get dressed, breakfast, and go outside to play while we sleep in. And I’m still in my p.j.’s!

  11. What makes me skippy…listening to the kids laugh at each other! Or a date night out with my hubby!

  12. I hear a lawn mower outside…we woke up to the woods popping out all their green thanks to an overnight rain…daughter1 graduates college in one month and while that also makes me feel old and nostalgic I am doing the happy dance about the fact that we are only paying tuition for one child in the fall .

  13. Skippy? Hmmmmm.
    1. Now that 2 of my 3 sons are in college…one is at West Point and has little time at home + has a girl friend here in town. The other is a college guy with friends he wants to see when he’s in town. The last one is 16…nuff said.
    Skippy:Last June, we stole some time away with all 3, and it was an incredible time with no outside distractions. It was fun just being together! Don’t know when that will happen again.
    2. Skippy: It’s a beautiful spring day, and I decide to put everything on hold so I can explore my fave antique mall.
    3. Skippy: It’s a cool night and I get 2 hours in front of the chiminea with my husband. It’s outside, so he can’t be on his laptop…although he has an I-Phone… but he mostly talks with me.

  14. Love me some chick-fil-a! And…the beach makes me feel skippy this time of the year.

  15. The neighborhood snow cone stand is opening up this weekend and this preggers is ready for a large watermelon, stat!

  16. What fun! CFA rocks.

    Skippy: Driving with the windows all the way down and the music all the way up.

    Not-So-Skippy: choking on all that pollen while singing.

    Promise I’ll abide by the one comment rule. I still feel guilty when I look at all the cute magnets on my fridge from when I was the 1,oooth commenter (and 17 or 18 surrounding it).

  17. It would make me oh so skippy if I were to find out that they were building a Chick-fil-a here where I live! Alas, don’t worry. I’m not that far from Tucson and would still definitely put the $5 gift card to good use!

  18. Your blog makes me skippy! 😉 I discovered it a couple weeks ago from… somewhere… and I check back daily because I enjoy your wit and your writing.

    But because that sounds totally kiss-up, I’ll tell you what else makes me feel skippy: that my hubby of nearly 18 years still thinks I’m pretty amazing.

  19. What makes me feel skippy…hmmm…let’s see…

    It’s been tough lately as I have been battling a bad gallbladder – which was removed last Friday, praise the Lord! – and some pretty severe nausea – that I prayed belonged to the long list of symptoms with the gallbladder, alas it was not meant to be…it was morning sickness after all! (I knew that I was pregnant, as my first surgery was cancelled in January due to that surprising fact…after 9 years of trying – but I have a very excited 10-year-old! 🙂

    Now that it’s been a week since surgery and my birthday is tomorrow, what makes me skippy is the fact that I feel so much better! That’s what I have asked for since November when the gallbladder really started to go. And the fact that I had surgery last week and my baby is doing great – I just cannot ask for more. Wait…yes I can…a day entirely free of nausea – THAT would certainly do it! 🙂

  20. What makes me skippy…

    I have plans to eat Asian Cuisine tonight with some really great gals.

    THAT makes me skippy.

  21. I feel skippy today because I have a garage sale coming up..(note the reverse psychology at work here)

    Don’t need to be entered in the contest as we don’t have a chick fil a within 45 miles of me…I know bummer.

    I hope this doesn’t throw off the whole random interger thingy…whatever the heck that is.

  22. Something making me feel skippy today – freshly painted toenails. So that I can wear those flip flops and not feel embarrassed.

    Peach Milkshake – never tried that, but it sounds delicious.

  23. Playing in the sand with my kiddos, hearing my baby belly laugh and Dunkin Donuts coffee brought to me after I sleep in on Saturday mornings…those things make me feel skippy.

    And cute flip flops.

  24. Don’t enter me, b/c we don’t have Chick Fil A here (sad, but more for you). But wanted to share my skippy-inducer: GLEE! and pedis/new sandals. Preferably, a day spent purchasing new sandals,getting a pedi (w/a girlfriend), & watching Glee (from bed)whilst admiring my toes. My hot pink toes.

  25. It makes me happy to get my daily dose of CPQ! I’m so glad to be back in touch.

  26. New flip flops make me feel skippy. Except it’s difficult to skip in flip flops but I make do.

  27. A heavy spring rain that washes away all the yellow pollen while simultaneously giving the plants the water they needed to come into full bloom makes me skippy! I love NC!! (and Chik Fil A shakes!!)

  28. Girl time ALWAYS makes me feel skippy. Especially if yummy food is involved. Especially if that food is Chinese or Chick-fil-a. Even more especially if God is involved! Yeah!

  29. Pollen free air makes me feel skippy.

  30. averagemoreorless

    Not sure if anyone will ‘get’ this but here’s my Spring Skippy: I grew up in a farming community. Some of my favorite memories are of spring planting and the sound of spray planes in the early morning. I guess some part of my little mind put together the equation of spray planes=clear skies and windless days and today I still smile at the sound.

  31. Ha! I noticed yesterday that it was peach milkshake season, but I didn’t get one – all the kids were with me and I’m not sharing. I was just as excited as you are – they are the best!

  32. Lydia Stevenson

    The dream I had with you in it last night makes me skippy. You wanted me to tell Mr. Cpq what it was like living overseas. Then you gave me directions to Iowa. I think I must have been thinking about how we ended up in the Badlands the same day last summer and subconsciously wished that we had met up. I don’t know, I don’t interpret dreams so who knows..Just came by to say hey, no Chick Fil A’s here, so no need to sign me up for the contest. If I have a dream about you and Chick Fil A tonight, I will know why.

  33. I feel skippy when my handsome husband comes home from work each day (and takes over kid duty – smile)! We’re missing him tonight as he is off with some fellas from church.

  34. these longer days and warmer weather make me feel pretty skippy! love being outside with the kids into the late afternoon. now, when the pool opens up i’ll REALLY be feeling skippy! 🙂

    oh, and my sweet husband took off work today so we could go to the zoo as a family. we haven’t been there before and it was SO great he could be with us. he doesn’t get to take off too often. 🙂 been feeling pretty skippy lately, i guess!

  35. I feel skippy when I have a long weekend where I don’t have to worry about waking up early in the morning and I can do what I want to do!

  36. Sweet tea makes me skippy. I can get it everywhere now! That’s not easy of you don’t live in the south. We even have a chick-fillet. :).

  37. Feeling skippy tonight because I found this lemon sugar cookie ice cream at Harris Teeter tonight. Lemon ice cream is my absolute favorite, and sooo hard to find. Peach is my next favorite flavor!!;)

  38. Ice cream/milkshakes always make me feel skippy – it’s my favorite food!
    Feeling skippy tonight because I spent 3 hours, including lunch at a fun place, with my dear friend who had the audacity to submit to her husband & move away to Winston Salem about 4 years ago. We are crazy together & are real soul-mates who met too late in life to ever catch up on all the fun times we wish we could have had, but are so thankful for the ones the Lord has given us (she’s more ADD than me & we think so much alike, it’s scary!) So tonight I am ultra-SKIPPY!!!!

  39. Skippy? Hmmmm…a new haircut. A new outfit. A date with my husband. Preferable all three in combination!

    Hey…I’ve never had a peach milkshake from CFA. I suppose I should remedy that, huh?

  40. daffodils, the smell of fresh cut grass in April, red buds blooming, and the first 75 degree day. I LOVE THE SPRING! 🙂

    (and i LOVE me some chick-fil-a)

  41. Sunshine, flip-flops, planting fresh herbs, a round of “Take me out to the baaallgame…”, driving with the windows down, being able to see the bottom of our pool again (we aren’t there yet, I might add)…I LOVE SPRING!

  42. What makes me skippy?

    1.Using coupons to get 5 bottles of hair color, that should have cost me $27.00, for $14.00.

    2. The very thought of sushi.

    3. Watching my sweet husband enjoy hanging out with the two little girls.

    4. Peach milkshakes from CFA. 😀

  43. Great idea for a giveaway. I’ve never tried the peach shakes. Sounds delish!

    Hanging out with my kiddos and my hubby on a beautiful Saturday in April makes me feel skippy. Since Ryan has been so busy at work lately, our family time is limited. We had a great day today!

  44. What makes me skippy?

    Going outside without a jacket and not being cold… and Chcik-Fil-A sweet tea… 🙂

  45. call me a 7 year old, but my birthday is in a week, and it’s making me pretty dern skippy!

  46. Finding a Lilly Pulitzer dress in my size on the 75% off sale rack, a suntan and a tropical vacation with my man 🙂

  47. Osagebluffquilter

    I didn’t enter becasue here in Mid-Missouri we don’t have a chick-fil a.

    But the icons of quil blocks instead of peoples pictures are adorable.

    Have fun with the give away.

  48. I forgot my website! DUH too early yet.

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