Summer rollin’, had me a blast

I have a confession to make:  When I’m out running errands, I stop altogether too frequently to buy summer rolls for lunch.  They are among my favorite things to eat because they are cold, crunchy, portable, and most importantly, come with their own dipping sauce.

My love for for a good dipping sauce knows no end.

My favorite place to buy summer rolls is in the strip mall grocery close by my house where I am practically on a first name basis with the sweet little Asian man behind the sushi counter.  If he sees me coming and he doesn’t have them ready, he’ll just wave and tell me to walk around the store for a few minutes while he prepares them.

There are not a lot of ingredients in summer rolls and I’ve been thinking about saving myself $6.50 making them, so yesterday I gathered the necessary supplies and in less than 5 minutes, they were wrapped and on my lunch plate and I was dancing in the kitchen thinking about how to spend all that money I’ll save by never buying them in the grocery store again.

Don’t worry, little Asian man.   I’ll still come around because you also make good strip mall grocery store sushi and something tells me that will take more than 5 minutes to make on my own, so I’m all yours.

Meredith asked for the recipe, so here it is.  If you have decent knife skills, you’ll be finished making them in no time flat.

Summer Rolls

Rice paper

1 carrot, cut into matchsticks

1 cucumber, cut into matchsticks

cilantro sprigs

a lettuce leaf

scallions (green part only), sliced thinly lengthwise

Cooked shrimp (I used edamame for a vegetarian version)

Soak rice paper in hot water for a minute or two

Blot rice paper slightly to get rid of excess water, then lay flat on a board and place matchstick cut veggies and shrimp on the lower center half of the rice paper

Fold bottom edge of rice paper over veggies

Fold sides in, taking care not to notice my stained cutting board

Roll up

Finished product, next to the lettuce leaf I forgot to put in

You’ll want to dip your summer roll in peanut sauce and it’s super easy to make.

Peanut Sauce

Big spoonful of chunky nut butter (peanut or almond or cashew)

Medium spoonful of hoisin sauce

Smaller spoonful of garlic chili paste

Juice of a lime

Splash of soy sauce

Stir together and pop it in the microwave for about 20 second, thinning it with water and stirring until it’s the consistency you like.

In other words, mix assorted quantities of this together until you're happy with the taste

My tasty lunch, and please notice that my wrapping skills improved with the second one .

The summer rolls on my plate are a little bigger than the one pictured on the cutting board.  I was careful with that one since it was for the tutorial (trying not to roll my eyes at how Martha-ish that sounds as I type), but when I made the ones above, I used two slightly overlapping rice papers to make them, thinking it would help them not tear as much.

It didn’t.

But they were still good.

And significantly less than $6.50.

Have a nice day.

22 responses to “Summer rollin’, had me a blast

  1. I could eat the peanut sauce by the spoonful…yum!

    These look good…I’ll give them a try even though my hubs would say I should’nt be allowed within 5 feet of a knife. It’s genetic. My mom and sisters all have the same problem. I took a Thai cooking class last year and loved it…I’d love to take a sushi class.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Looks divine!!! I’ll make them, but if I had a little Asian man to make them for me, I would be going to see him today. For sure.

  3. Look at you, Gal Fieri! Shall I start filling out your application for the next season of The Next Food Network Star?

    Seriously, I’m adding the stuff to my grocery list. Unfortunately I’ve apparently given up going to the grocery store for some new post-Easter Lent season of sorts. But if I ever go again, dot dot dot.

  4. Oh, my husband would love these! And if I ate vegetables I would too.. ahem. (as I sit here munching on a chocolate doughnut.)

  5. YUM! I’m running by the store today for cilantro so I’ll pick up some rice paper and some cucumbers too!

    Thanks, Sus.

  6. I’m sorry, but the thoughts of you and the word “vegetarian” still makes me chuckle.

    And you are the only person I know who has hoisin sauce just lying around in their pantry.

    • Just to clarify, I’m only a vegetarian until supper and then it’s bring on the dead cow, baby.

      I may be crazy, but I’m not nuts.

  7. Where did you find the rice paper? Regular grocery store or did you go to the Asian market?

  8. My mouth is watering and i’m writing the ingredients down, what a great lunch.

  9. offthebeatenpathministries

    Girl! You have convinced me! I had no idea about summer rolls. Those are some of my favorite ingredients and I had no idea I could make something like that with them. Hello?

    Of course it will cost me significantly well over $6.50 to buy some of the ingredients, but I guess that’s a “first-time-investment” thing and I just have to get over it.

    And, girlfriend, you have the same china as me! Now I know for sure we are meant to be…something.

  10. You are a brave woman. I have always attributed trying to prepare something that is way out of my realm of cultural knowledge to people who cannot sing attempting Karaoke. Sounds fun, but ends up being embarrassing.

    These look very easy and yummy and even though I am about as un-asian as they get, I might just have to be brave too!!

  11. Seriously?
    I was preparing my BlueBox tutorial and then you went and busted this sucker out. I feel so inadequate.

  12. looks delicious, I will have to pass this along to Adam, since we all know he’s the cook around here 🙂

  13. Look at you going all Pioneer Woman on us! Impressy.

    Cucumbers and carrots? Check. Edamame? Check. Rice paper? Maybe. Almond butter? Really? Huh. I am also not familiar with hoisin sauce and garlic chili paste although they both sound tasty. Perils of living in the ‘delph.

  14. Oooh! Oooh!! I have been wanting to make these for sometime now!! I was on a serious Vietnamese food kick about a month ago and seriously craving these. I thought they were called spring rolls though. Maybe they are Spring in So Cal, and Summer in So Car? And you are not even in So Car, but No Car – ha ha!! No Car – me no care! Sorry. I guess I am punchy this afternoon, and you get it all live, right here baby!!

    Anyhoo, thanks for the tutorial. Now I just need to go find me some rice paper. Boo that Trader Joe’s does not carry it.

  15. Just when I thought you couldn’t get ANY cooler!!! I am so jazzed about these…cannot wait to shop on Saturday.

    AND..the peanut sauce!! OH.MY!

    (I also cannot wait for the post on how to make your very own sushi.)

  16. I too have hoisin sauce hanging out in my fridge. How about chili sauce in those rolls??? I have that too. That sounds yummy too! And spicy!

  17. I could eat a cigar dipped in that peanut sauce.

  18. Gretchen just made me snort laugh. And I agree with her. Well done, you!

  19. ok, ’bout to go make these! I found some rice paper thingys at Stater Brothers, so I am going to do it!

  20. I LOVE little summer rolls with peanut dipping sauce and am oh so happy you shared how to make them. Now I just need to find myself some of those little wrapper things.

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